Reiseversicherung Reka-Ferien

Axa travel insurance

Cancellation costs and vehicle assistance insurance

The cancellation costs insurance covers cancellation costs due in accordance with the rental agreement if you, for example following an accident, sickness or the death of one of the travellers included in the booking, or damage to property, have to involuntarily withdraw or return home.
The vehicle assistance insurance helps you, in case of an accident involving the motor vehicle used during the holidays, with counselling to carry out routine formalities and meet the costs. AXA is available by phone around the clock.


  • Insurance for Reka-Holidays Switzerland: CHF 27 per booking
  • Insurance for Reka-Holidays Europe, individual journey: CHF 32 per booking
  • Insurance for Reka-Holidays Europe, airplane/bus, booked with Reka: CHF 45 per booking

We will gladly advise you on the possibility of taking out an Axa annual travel insurance for 1–3 years from CHF 150.

All informations Axa annual travel insurance

If you take out travel insurance upon conclusion of your contract, the central booking office and AXA must be immediately informed of any claims. In addition to the required documentation (see insurance conditions) the following claim form must be filled in and sent to the AXA registration office.